Official Trophy List
List Of Awards
Showing All Awards for Year 40 Stallion Futurity
Era 0 Stallion Futurity Standings:
A Shining Chance owned by VorpalAliceTop 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
1954879 futurity Keep owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Record Missing owned by FuturisticDrafts
Top 10 Foals:
INF Ghoul Grey owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by Fireflake
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
UB Late Nite owned by Unbridled
FFH Wishful Magic owned by lingonberry121391
Show Cisco Clover owned by Walywoohoo
Record Missing owned by Walywoohoo
UB Merry Platypus G owned by Unbridled
Record Missing owned by lingonberry121391
Cowboy Boots owned by Walywoohoo
GIFTGift Dream Horse owned by FuturisticDrafts
Dr Ultimate tq owned by FuturisticDrafts
GIFTGift High Point Stud owned by FuturisticDrafts
Summers Stunning Star FF owned by SummerMonarch
Kentucky Arsonist 4G owned by SmoothRiverFarm
BM7SM 1320 1721123 Wicked e0 owned by Bluemesa
Era 1 Stallion Futurity Standings:
MLNM Dun Mountain 4GF owned by AzilizMTop 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by spotpixe
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by spotpixe
2012216 E1Fut owned by spotpixe
Top 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
CHF2 Jacks Ballerina owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
RAM Italian Man owned by RamshornSportHorses
Millennium Extra Milk 2G owned by AzilizM
What Dreams Are Made Of owned by LookingGood
Motion Basket owned by SmoothRiverFarm
FBF Maze Runner STS owned by FoxBrookFarm
RS Sunflowers FBF owned by FoxBrookFarm
Mr Fancypants owned by LookingGood
Era 2 Stallion Futurity Standings:
Millennium The Real Thing owned by AzilizMTop 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by IrishRunStables
Record Missing owned by IrishRunStables
MK Technically Real g2 owned by MissKitty
xxIR Millenial 2B owned by IrishRunStables
Record Missing owned by IrishRunStables
Record Missing owned by MissKitty
MP Reals Treasure owned by maziepaw
Record Missing owned by MissKitty
Top 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
LH2A Grasshopper e2 owned by LadyhawkeStables
RAM Hoot Owl owned by RamshornSportHorses
GMTRS 1276774 Gates S e2 owned by Bluemesa
Hershey Kisses CLP owned by TheBlueMoors
Xpro The New Kid FBF owned by FoxBrookFarm
Ar Gingerbread Man owned by Araunya
GH1r Dragonfire Warlock owned by GryphonHollow
Era 3 Stallion Futurity Standings:
GMTRS 1803822 Dove S e3 owned by BluemesaTop 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Record Missing owned by hi1999
Record Missing owned by LookingGood
Record Missing owned by LookingGood
Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Record Missing owned by hi1999
Top 10 Foals:
SP1976117 owned by TripleGFarm
ZSur G2 1972886 E3 owned by Walywoohoo
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Record Missing owned by Walywoohoo
Record Missing owned by Ratrick
Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
MU 2g mn 1974085 owned by astridmoonnn
QA3 Top Pick owned by 12Quagga
Bright Future g1 owned by MissKitty
The Lethal White BoysW10 owned by SummerMonarch
E3XP Platinum Status FBF owned by FoxBrookFarm
Ar Mambo owned by Araunya
RAM Wicked Remedy owned by RamshornSportHorses
Millennium Burnt Taco F owned by AzilizM
GIFT RAoGPlatinum Card 1631333 owned by Victory1234
Era 4 Stallion Futurity Standings:
*Equatorial Mars MX owned by SummerMonarchTop 10 Foals:
FFH4 Equatorial Famine 3G owned by lingonberry121391
3G 1957122 SUP era 4 owned by TheBlueMoors
3G Sprite Spellcaster owned by TheBlueMoors
Record Missing owned by maziepaw
3G 1965015 SUP era 4 owned by TheBlueMoors
Record Missing owned by LookingGood
Record Missing owned by Walywoohoo
Record Missing owned by GryphonHollow
Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Top 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by cinnabae
Record Missing owned by runaround
Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
RSH Live Spin owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Record Missing owned by Fireflake
FFH Equatorial Vedic owned by lingonberry121391
SH Star Editor owned by runaround
Record Missing owned by runaround
AE4 2w Nox Spectacular owned by AbidingPeace
RAM Pomegranate Cure owned by RamshornSportHorses
KT2 E4 Hailstorm owned by Kintara
Ar Final Destination owned by Araunya
MP Hailstorm Fury owned by maziepaw
zAE4 Whisper Kudu owned by AbidingPeace
*TGF CasanovaBlues owned by TripleGFarm
Era 5 Stallion Futurity Standings:
GIFT L3 High Noon FF owned by SummerMonarchTop 10 Foals:
E5 SM 2299664 owned by BentrimsRanch
Record Missing owned by BentrimsRanch
RAT G2 2300544 owned by Ratrick
Record Missing owned by Ratrick
Record Missing owned by Acorn
FFH5 Highest Honor 2G owned by lingonberry121391
Record Missing owned by lingonberry121391
Noons 2301964 owned by Tarma
E5G2 Witness High Noon owned by Acorn
Top 10 Foals:
Record Missing owned by BentrimsRanch
Era52253351 owned by BentrimsRanch
Foal 7 2221120 owned by BentrimsRanch
Record Missing owned by BentrimsRanch
Record Missing owned by MissKitty
E5 Flintstones FBS owned by FoxBrookFarm
MSH 2268317 owned by Mensie
F42269073 owned by BentrimsRanch
Record Missing owned by BentrimsRanch
MK5 Dawned On Me owned by MissKitty
1E5C ButYourHonor owned by TripleGFarm
E5 TrueHeart owned by Walywoohoo
E5 Striker owned by Walywoohoo
M1 Bar None owned by Mensie
Samuel owned by LookingGood
Oscar owned by LookingGood