Official Trophy List
List Of Awards
Showing All Awards for Year 47 Stallion Futurity
Era 0 Stallion Futurity Standings:
*AB Max Powers owned by AbidingPeaceTop 10 Foals:
show Looked Weekend owned by DarkPhoenix
show Paradox Colour owned by DarkPhoenix
GH Laboratory Bracelet owned by GryphonHollow
Show 2589433 owned by LaurierArabians
LA New Boot Scootin owned by LaurierArabians
Max Powers 2579517 BS S owned by Tarma
show Thumbs Assign owned by DarkPhoenix
show Unspeaking Highly owned by DarkPhoenix
FuturePower 2635294 owned by Walywoohoo
UB Over The Top ST owned by Unbridled
Top 10 Foals:
show Upper Treetop owned by DarkPhoenix
show Career Cooper owned by DarkPhoenix
show Bang Metallica owned by DarkPhoenix
show Fully Peak owned by DarkPhoenix
Blue Future 2633154 frame owned by Walywoohoo
show Geriatric Poster owned by DarkPhoenix
UB Who is In Command GG S owned by Unbridled
show Happy Gecko owned by DarkPhoenix
UB Comand The Fates G owned by Unbridled
BS 2631998 owned by TheBlueMoors
Doppelganger owned by Walywoohoo
LH11S High Ten owned by LadyhawkeStables
1111111 Dr Sun Rise owned by FuturisticDrafts
Dr Fuzzy tq owned by FuturisticDrafts
Big Sunrise owned by VorpalAlice
General Stat owned by VorpalAlice
A Shining Chance owned by VorpalAlice
Era 1 Stallion Futurity Standings:
DP E1 Gleaming Dagger owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
e1 2620769 owned by Walywoohoo
BHF Counted Poker owned by Blackhillfarm
2624735 FF owned by SummerMonarch
2624802 FF owned by SummerMonarch
SH Albert Bob owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Caitrina
Record Missing owned by Caitrina
2624805 FF owned by SummerMonarch
e1 2589709 owned by Walywoohoo
e1 2597510 owned by Walywoohoo
Top 10 Foals:
MLNM Affect Things 3 owned by AzilizM
MLNM Affect Candle 3G owned by AzilizM
MLNM Affection Roan 3G owned by AzilizM
shw2624170 owned by TripleGFarm
3E1B 2624164 owned by TripleGFarm
3E1B CircleAffection owned by TripleGFarm
3E1B 2624172 owned by TripleGFarm
AnnouncedRealityCheck owned by Walywoohoo
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Call to Reality 2682301 owned by Walywoohoo
MLNM Dun Mountain 4GF owned by AzilizM
Springs Future FF owned by SummerMonarch
3E1A StillTheOne owned by TripleGFarm
FBF Maze Runner STS owned by FoxBrookFarm
CHF1 Shadow Kissed HHA owned by ChapelHillFarm
MLNM Metal Things 6GF owned by AzilizM
FBF Phenotype 3 STS owned by FoxBrookFarm
Era 2 Stallion Futurity Standings:
$Autumns Poppy Gates 2 owned by SummerMonarchTop 10 Foals:
G3 2636986E2 owned by Walywoohoo
shw2582550 owned by TripleGFarm
G3 2636988 e2 owned by Walywoohoo
Future Summer Show Diagonally owned by Walywoohoo
G3 2637041E2 owned by Walywoohoo
G3 2636995E2 owned by Walywoohoo
shw2587675 owned by TripleGFarm
Future Summer 2630661 owned by Walywoohoo
Future Summer 2631993 owned by Walywoohoo
G3 2636991E2 owned by Walywoohoo
Top 10 Foals:
e2 2587696 owned by Walywoohoo
SH Objectives Plum owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
SH Wash Jittery owned by Silvershadow
SH Spice Weekly owned by Silvershadow
SH Worker Hitachi owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
e2 2684774 owned by Amber
SH Scenario Pepper owned by Silvershadow
5B Style 2g owned by LookingGood
Remarkable Merlin owned by LookingGood
GS1 Fun Days Out owned by DarkPhoenix
AE2 Prints Cedar owned by AbidingPeace
OSM Way Above the Clouds owned by OneSaltyMitch
2E2A NextOnDeck owned by TripleGFarm
Bank Robber Outlaw 3g owned by LookingGood
Era 3 Stallion Futurity Standings:
$E3G3 A Frosty Night owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
SH Saint Inspections owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
SH Famous Desk owned by Silvershadow
SH Real Awareness owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
SH Computer Hired owned by Silvershadow
SH Over Loud owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
Top 10 Foals:
MP Winters Solitary G3 owned by maziepaw
MP Winters 3 G3 owned by maziepaw
3G WT Winter Revolt owned by RedRockRanch
3G 2624250 SUP era 3 owned by TheBlueMoors
G3 2629528 Future E3 owned by Walywoohoo
G3 Show Future Events E3 owned by Walywoohoo
MP Winters 5 G3 owned by maziepaw
MP Winters Optimum G3 owned by maziepaw
MP Winters Blooms G3 owned by maziepaw
MP Winters 2 G3 owned by maziepaw
Ian the Brave Kudu owned by LookingGood
GMTRS 1803822 Dove S e3 owned by Bluemesa
Soul Tortoise owned by Vella
3F Monsieur Fantaisie owned by LaurierArabians
RAM Atlantic Puffin owned by RamshornSportHorses
Fire Hornet owned by SmoothRiverFarm
Winters Rulers 6x owned by SummerMonarch
Era 4 Stallion Futurity Standings:
$EquatorialSpectacular4XN owned by SummerMonarchTop 10 Foals:
MP Equatorials Coast owned by maziepaw
MP Equatorials coas2 owned by maziepaw
2625316 owned by TheBlueMoors
E4 G5 2626318 owned by Walywoohoo
Kh Futurity 2626478 owned by Khisanth
show Caution Uneven owned by DarkPhoenix
BM5G 2626409 Equatorial owned by Bluemesa
GH Coordination Niggle owned by GryphonHollow
Record Missing owned by Khisanth
BM5G 2626407 Equatorial owned by Bluemesa
Top 10 Foals:
2625127 owned by lingonberry121391
2625129 owned by lingonberry121391
Summer Futurity 2625292 owned by ChapelHillFarm
shw2627920 owned by TripleGFarm
show Obtrusive Version owned by DarkPhoenix
Record Missing owned by Khisanth
Summer Futurity 2625290 owned by ChapelHillFarm
Record Missing owned by DarkPhoenix
QA4 Coast Guard owned by 12Quagga
SurvivalxDespair 2625400 owned by Tarma
Equatorial StormWarnings owned by SummerMonarch
Equatorial Albuquerque 3MX owned by SummerMonarch
4G Sprite Qizard owned by TheBlueMoors
*Equatorial Mars MX owned by SummerMonarch
3F SandStorm owned by LaurierArabians
Open Enrollment owned by darkpixe
KT4 E4 Thunderstorm owned by Kintara
Era 5 Stallion Futurity Standings:
RAM Battle Of Midway owned by RamshornSportHorsesTop 10 Foals:
KT3 E5 Battleson owned by Kintara
shw2581973 owned by TripleGFarm
MLNM Battle Dance 3G owned by AzilizM
shw2581632 owned by TripleGFarm
shw2581628 owned by TripleGFarm
shw2581629 m owned by TripleGFarm
shw2581981 owned by TripleGFarm
MLNM Midway Dance 3G owned by AzilizM
Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
3E5B Battlescared M owned by TripleGFarm
Top 10 Foals:
Lights2592122 owned by LookingGood
Orca2592149 owned by LookingGood
Eva2592113 owned by LookingGood
Skylight2592101 owned by LookingGood
ZET mare 2624241 owned by TheBlueMoors
Skylight2592102 owned by LookingGood
Lights2592125 owned by LookingGood
Faith2592086 owned by LookingGood
Lights2592123 owned by LookingGood
GIFT RAoGOrca2592151 owned by DragonQueen
5G2 Caspian owned by LaurierArabians
E5G2 Witness High Noon owned by Acorn
2E5B BetterCallSaul owned by TripleGFarm
Z0E5G2S FeelTheHope owned by Acorn
E5RS Speak To Love FBF owned by FoxBrookFarm
RAM Fancy Fleet owned by RamshornSportHorses
Kh E5 Ludvicio G3 owned by Khisanth
Era 6 Stallion Futurity Standings:
*DPE6G1 Lord Ghyslaineah owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
MP Ghyslaineahs Honeydew G2 owned by maziepaw
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
Record Missing owned by Silvershadow
Kh E6 Futurity Overview Phpbb owned by Khisanth
2754692 2GE6 owned by AzilizM
2760863 owned by lingonberry121391
Record Missing owned by Khisanth
Kh E6 Futurity Again Forests owned by Khisanth
MP Ghyslaineah 8 owned by maziepaw
2760862 owned by lingonberry121391
Top 10 Foals:
show Word Market owned by DarkPhoenix
RSH Ultimate Triple owned by RamshornSportHorses
RSH Ultimate Concept owned by RamshornSportHorses
Record Missing owned by DarkPhoenix
show Satisfied Chilli owned by DarkPhoenix
Record Missing owned by RamshornSportHorses
show Kits Sunlight owned by DarkPhoenix
Record Missing owned by DarkPhoenix
2E6R QuizQuak owned by TripleGFarm
QA6 2751667 owned by 12Quagga
OSM Peachy Keen E6 owned by OneSaltyMitch
OSM Stollen Valor E6 owned by OneSaltyMitch
RAM The Mood owned by RamshornSportHorses
1E6C BatteriesIncluded owned by TripleGFarm
*BME6 Daylight Diva owned by Bluemesa
Kh E6 Jedovaty Chlapec owned by Khisanth
RAM Magnetic Crocker owned by RamshornSportHorses